This is the main style of type for body copy, it is eaxclty 12pt. In 2017, Hackney Council held a competitive interview process to select architects to prepare designs for new council housing as part of Hackney Council’s Housing Supply Infill Programme – an initiative to build around 400 new homes on under-used Council land. The project is to provide much-needed housing on the site of a gated carpark with disused garages, on Daubeney Road, Hackney. Al-Jawad Pike were appointed in August 2017 following an competitive process that included an initial site appraisal investigating various strategies for providing the most optimum and high quality development on the site. These studies also addressed a number of site constraints relating to the shape of the site, boundary conditions, daylight and sunlight, and potential overlooking to neighbouring sites. The design team began to develop the scheme design in September 2017, and have arrived at final proposals that is anticipated will be submitted for planning in March 2018.
E-10 km 12
Sant Joan de Labritja
Ibiza 07810
+598 95002 765
Costanera a la Barra s/n
El Tesoro
Maldonado 20001